Person holding phone showing darker city landscape through screen

Dissecting the relations between online and offline racism

Dissecting the relations between online and offline racism


The project will involve an analysis of online racism in Victoria over the last five years and will map online racism against offline events. It will also focus on devising successful interventions for disrupting racism, including within Twitter, Facebook and in online news commentary, and will scope the development of useful pilot projects in digital media, such as a new app against racism. Successful examples of online racism that has been disrupted or contained will be collated. The findings will point to useful pilots in digital media that can be developed and evaluated. The data will help identify successful tactics for preventing the spread of online racism into the offline world. The data will also help build predictive tools for offline racist events.



The Project So Far

  • Collected data from Twitter. Analyses of Twitter data and of a global dataset on racism are currently underway. Data used by Honours students in their theses



What’s Next?

  • Findings will be discussed in a report and accompanying presentation to government and stakeholders.

  • Findings will be used to make recommendations on effective disruption of online racism.