Shadowy figure looking at pixelated screen

The role of mainstream media in the mobilisation of radical political movements

The role of mainstream media in the mobilisation of radical political movements

Our research looked at the ways that far-right social media users use mainstream media outlets for their ideological messages. Researchers analysed over 55,000 social media posts from far-right users on Facebook and Gab, and found that all mainstream media outlets, regardless of their political leaning, can be co-opted for ideological messaging. 


Resources and project findings


Research Report

News and Media

Journal Article

Mainstream media use for far-right mobilisation on the alt-tech online platform Gab

Mario Peucker, Tom J Fisher (2022)
Peucker M, Fisher TJ. Mainstream media use for far-right mobilisation on the alt-tech online platform Gab. Media, Culture & Society. July 2022. doi:10.1177/01634437221111943

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What we’re doing next


We will run stakeholder workshops later in 2022. If you would like to be invited to these workshops please email us.